Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow | Shield Defence Academy

CDS Preparation Tips & Strategy 2022 for Written Test & Interview |  Shield Defence Academy Lucknow

The CDS exam is conducted twice a year. The CDS l  2022 notification is out. The best CDS defence coaching centre in Lucknow Shield Defence Academy is here with the magical tips to crack the upcoming examination.

The candidates planning to appear for the exam suggested having the CDS exam pattern first and then move to the detailed syllabus and paper analysis. By knowing the latest exam pattern and syllabus, you can create a good preparation plan for yourself. Make yourself familiar with the type of questions asked in the paper, weightage is given to topics, marking scheme, etc.Join the best topmost CDS defence coaching institute in Lucknow Shield Defence Academy and mark your position.


CDSPreparation Tips:

Join the excellent CDS defence academy in LucknowShield Defence Academy for the best selections.

1) Candidates must know how to effectively manage their time so that they can complete the paper within the allotted time only.

2) Candidates appearing for CDS are advised to start at least 3 to 6 months before the examination.

3) Follow a regular study routine so that the entire syllabus can be completed.

4) Make a timetable and devote 6 – 8 hours especially for preparations.

5) Take time to manage your weekly revisions as well.

6)Take short breaks in between.

7) Boost up your confidence level by getting updated with all the current affairs.


PreviousYear Papers

Solving Previous Years Sample Papers:

Try solving the question papers of previous years.

This will help you in getting an idea about the exam pattern, type of questions, weightage given to topics.

Helps you in managing the time.

Gives the feel of real paper.

Take mocks tests by setting up the timers in your watch.


CDS  Important Points to Remember:-

The best CDS defence institute in Lucknow

Shield Defence Academy is here with some more essential tips..

To prepare for the CDS exam, a candidate must be willing to work hard physically as well as mentally. Candidates must own proper UPSC study material, like previous years’ papers, preparation books, topic-wise notes, etc. After acquiring the relevant study material, the candidates can follow the following tips to improve their chances of getting selected:

1)Get yourself printed copies of the exam pattern, syllabus, and previous year's question papers.

2)Your basic concepts rather than cramming the formulas must be clear at the beginning of your preparation days.

3)By analyzing the previous year's question papers, candidates need to focus on the important topics which carry maximum marks in each exam.

4)Develop a reading habit. Reading different sorts of media, like magazines, newspapers, blogs, notes, etc. helps to enhance the vocabulary as well as the understanding of practical English.

5)Make a list of all the new words and their meanings. Try and use the words in the list in different scenarios and sentences.

6)Take online mock tests to improve the answering ability.

7)Read newspapers, news blogs, watch the news, etc. daily to be in touch with the latest happenings in all sectors of the world. Try to keep the material vast.

8)Make notes of every important date, name, or event you come across.

9)Many mock tests can help a candidate with GK preparations.

10)Make a list of all the important formulas, theorems, identities, etc., and revise them daily.

11)Try to solve questions with variety to learn the proper use of theorems and identities.

12)Enrol in an online mock test series.



CDS Physicaland Medical Exam:-

The Defence sector requires candidates who are not only strong mentally, but also physically. Apart from the written exam, the candidates have to clear a physical and medical exam as well. No candidate should have a history of mental breakdown. The physical exam is one of the crucial parts of the CDS selection process.The best SSB coaching institute forCDS in Lucknow Shield Defence Academy is here to help out the willing aspirants. The candidates can follow these tips for the physical exam:

@The weight and height of the candidate must be on a standard scale.

@Regular and proper exercise and training is important.

@Candidates must get a full body checkup before appearing for the exam to make sure they do not have any type of illness or disease.


PersonalInterview Tips-

CDS Preparation Tips for Personal Interview

After clearing the CDS test, the candidates have to face the personal interview conducted by SSB. The excellent SSB coachinginstitute in Lucknow Shield Defence Academy sets interview as it tests the candidate’s intelligence, personality, and ability to hold ranks with the Officers in the Defense Forces. There are several components of the interview, like Psychological Tests, Group Discussion, Intelligence Tests, Outdoor activities, Opinion on issues, Physical Fitness, etc. Here are some tips to clear the interview:

@Stay confident. It is natural to be nervous or anxious, but a candidate must be able to express his/her thoughts as beautifully as possible.

@A well-honed communication skill is crucial, as the thoughts can be expressed in better and more suitable words.

@Be updated and in touch with the latest and interesting happenings around the globe.

@Think before you speak and act like you are already an Officer.

@It is imperative to be respectful and humble.


Last-MinuteTips for CDS l 2022:-

The few weeks before the exam are crucial as that is the time to revise all that you have studied, without cramming up all the knowledge. The following steps may help candidates to plan and prepare in that time:

1) Make small and useful notes. The notes should be to the point and should act as a summary of what has been studied.

2) Although the last weeks can be a chaotic time, a calm and planned approach is all that is needed.

3)Time management is crucial. The CDS exam is a time-based exam that gives candidates about a minute to attempt each question. Not only the knowledge, but swiftness in using that knowledge is important.

4)The exam has negative marking for each incorrect answer. So, guesswork should be avoided.

5)Taking an online mock test is helpful.

More Details Visit Here-Best CDS Coaching in Lucknow

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